As most of you know, because Aubri is due to arrive any day, this year we are celebrating Christmas in Fort Worth, i.e., not at "home." Well, surprise-surprise, yesterday we received a box in the mail from mama Peggy. Inside the box we found several Christmas presents for Jen, Aubri, and me... our first Christmas presents of the year!! After much pleading from Jen, I agreed (at 10:00pm, same day) that we would both open 1 present. We agreed that we would open two of Aubri's gifts. The gifts were great, a sweet little oufit and a beautiful white cardigan sweater (both pictured above). Well, as you've already noticed, there are more gifts pictured than just the two of Aubri's. That's right, we couldn't stop! In classic Jenny and Wes fashion, we ended up opening ALL the gifts last night. We had such a good time!! A few gifts are pictured above, but as you know, pictures can only capture so much. Thanks, Mamaw, for the gifts. We look forward to seeing you soon. merry Christmas!
"I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to Your name, O Most High." Psalm 9:2
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
"Let's just open one..."
As most of you know, because Aubri is due to arrive any day, this year we are celebrating Christmas in Fort Worth, i.e., not at "home." Well, surprise-surprise, yesterday we received a box in the mail from mama Peggy. Inside the box we found several Christmas presents for Jen, Aubri, and me... our first Christmas presents of the year!! After much pleading from Jen, I agreed (at 10:00pm, same day) that we would both open 1 present. We agreed that we would open two of Aubri's gifts. The gifts were great, a sweet little oufit and a beautiful white cardigan sweater (both pictured above). Well, as you've already noticed, there are more gifts pictured than just the two of Aubri's. That's right, we couldn't stop! In classic Jenny and Wes fashion, we ended up opening ALL the gifts last night. We had such a good time!! A few gifts are pictured above, but as you know, pictures can only capture so much. Thanks, Mamaw, for the gifts. We look forward to seeing you soon. merry Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Last Prenatal Appointment?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
At this point, Aubri seems to be like her mom... not big on change, especially moving. So, I'm not too surprised that she's staying in momma's belly as long as she possibly can! ;)
All moved in!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Alright, Alright...
Aubri's estimated time of arrival is December 23. So we have about 2 1/2 weeks to get ready for our little one's debut! We have read the books, taken the classes and now we are waiting! We can't hardly wait to meet our little girl face to face!
However, we have lots going on in the meantime. We are moving to a new apartment, Lord willing, next weekend. This is a large feat for a full-time student/full-time career employee and his 9 month pregnant wife, so we are bringing in reinforcements! With the help of our church and family we should be relaxing in our new apartment and taking on the new commitment of being dorm parents, this time next week.
I have just finished up my last week as a full-time seminary employee and will be moving to part-time this next week! The Lord has opened many doors for us, and after Aubri is born, I will officially be a stay at home mom! YEA!
Wes is finishing up his first semester as a PhD student and will have a few weeks off to get accustomed to his new role as DAD before next semester starts! He has recently started his new job as the manger of financial aid for the seminary. We are very excited that the Lord is teaching him something new everyday through the on taking of this large department and we are trusting Him to continue to show Wes the appropriate steps to take as he develops this program.
Well, that should catch you up! We will try to be better bloggers in the future! HA!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Back in Business
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Technical Difficulties
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Leaving the Sea of Galilee
We wanted to put your minds at ease that we are both doing well! We will be posting lots of pictures of everything we have done as soon as we can! We love you all!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Touring Jordan
No pictures this time since I am using the community computer in the lobby of our hotel. But, here is what we have been up to...
Tuesday night, we crossed over into Jordan from Israel. Praise the Lord for no problems through passport control!
Wednesday, we walked into Petra (like on Indiana Jones)! It is one of the 7 man-made wonders of the world! It is an entire city carved out of a mountain side! It was so beautiful. We took lots of pictures so I will try to post them asap.
Last night, like Wes mentioned, some of the girls went to a Turkish bath. We thought it was going to be like a spa with massages but it was what it says it is... a bath. It was definately a memory! (Girls, I will fill you in later!)
Today we went to Herrod's palace where John the Baptist was beheaded and to Mount Nebo, where Moses looked into the Promise Land! On Mount Nebo, Dr. Allen preached a sermon from Numbers 20, Deut. 34, and Hebrews 6. It was such a blessing to be in the place where what we were reading took place!
The game plan for the next few days...
Tomorrow we are touring Jarash, Jordan and then heading back into Israel.
Then, the next four nights we will be staying in Nof Ginosar, Israel, touring Galilee.
Again, thank you all for your prayers! We are having a great time and look forward to talking to you soon!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Journey through South Israel
After the camel ride, we spent New Year's Eve in a Bedouin tent. They provided a full Bedouin hospitality presentation that was excellent. As you can see in the picture, our Bedouin friend was kind enough to include a couple guys from our group (left, Greg Gaumer; right, John Wohlgemuth) to help him play traditional Bedouin music. We ALL selpt in the Bedouin tent on the floor without heat, pillows, mattresses (you get the point). Hopefully, a few weeks/months from now it will be remembered as a pleasurable experience.
We are now in Petra, Jordan. I am posting this blog becuase Jen is actually with several other ladies at a Turkish bath. Not sure what is included, but I'm sure it will be a memory! I'm sure she will post soon with another batch of pictures.
To God be the glory,
Wes and Jen