Friday, September 30, 2011

Heavens and the earth.

This past month, Aubri's Sunday school class has been learning about creation.
She has loved learning new songs about God making all the animals, but she has been especially intrigued by the moon.
Every night, before she goes to bed we go outside and tell the moon "good night".

Also, in her Sunday School class, they have started memorizing Bible verses.
Last night over the monitor, I heard her telling her baby doll Genesis 1:1.
I caught it on video the other day, too.

"In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1"

Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is the Big Hoot.
Hoot is the traveling trophy that is awarded each year to the winning family
of the Labor Day Carroll Family Olympics.

After a weekend of intense competition: golf, card games, ladderball, watermelon seed spitting, beanbag toss, soccer ball dribbling, 3-legged race, hoola hoop, and so much more...
The MILLS were crowned the 2011 Hoot Champions!

The Mills- 2011 Hoot Champions

"Can I get a HOOT HOOT!"

Our cool summer indoors

Well, it was a hot one, that's for sure.
Due to the record breaking heat this summer, we tried to stay indoors in the coolness of the air conditioner as much as possible.

Our indoor fun included...
Feeding the babies, of course!

Pool parties on the porch!

Playdough sorting.


Water the kitchen sink.