Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Did you know?!?

Does your digital camera eat batteries like ours does?!?
Before we left for Hawaii I went to Target to stock up on some batteries for our trip. I saw these that said they lasted 7x longer in digital cameras. It had to be too good to be true! But, decided to give them a try anyway. I loaded my camera with these bad boys the day we left town. And now almost 2 weeks later (2 weeks of using my camera multiple times a day) I am still using the same 2 batteries! AWESOME! Worth every penny!

Now on to the good stuff!
A video I thought the grandparents might enjoy!

This video is a milestone in the making!
Our little Roly Poly is TRYING to crawl!


The Bucks said...

She is going to be an army crawler! So cute!

Ashley said...

Millie loves the one where Aubri laughs. I guess it's infectious because it just makes Millie crack up. Anyway, yea! Abri. She's officially on the move!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness... She is getting so big!