Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update on my little ones.

I was a bit anxious Thursday morning as I was getting ready to go to the doctor because I had yet to feel Wesley Adam kick. I was comforted through so many emails, prayers, and the Lord's Word, that by God's amazing grace, I was able to overcome the anxiety before we got to the doctor. That is my desire- to not put my hope in Wesley Adam's kicks but in our Sovereign Lord Jesus.

The Lord has given us a great nurse/doctor team. We are so thankful for them. They, both, love the Lord and are very supportive in our decision to carry to term. They told us over and over at our appointment that they are on board with all our decisions from this point on- whether that be c-section v. vbac, the manual breaking of my water, certain medications, how to handle pre-term labor, ect. It is wonderful to have the freedom to follow the will of the Lord without having to worry if that contradicts doctor's orders.

Our doctor gave us a few scenarios to think and pray through. He wants us to be prepared so that if these scenarios come to fruition, we don't have to panic but will know our decision beforehand. Please pray that we would be sensitive and have discernment to follow the Lord's guidance.

Wesley Adams's heartbeat continues to be strong and I am measuring right on target. We are so thankful that our little guy continues to grow and seems to be doing well. We long for the day we see him face to face. We love him more with each passing moment. Thank you Lord for our precious son.
23 weeks

Now on to the big sis. Aubri is doing very well. She loves her bubba very much and talks about him and prays for him daily. She continues to be a blessing as she pushes us to stay focused on the tasks the Lord has given us to raise her according to His will and to teach her His Word.

Aubri's newest thing is changing her doll babies' diapers. I can't tell you how many diapers those babies go through in a day. But, just like any good mother, Aubri doesn't seem too bothered by all the dirty diapers and goes ahead and changes her babies over, and over, and over again.

Bri is still seeing ECI twice a month and we are very encouraged by her speech development. She is in the fun copy cat stage, where she tries to say just about anything we ask her to. By her doing this she has started saying so many more words consistently. Our newest favorite is "God". It is so precious to hear her talk about our Savior. Also, she has started putting a few 2 word phrases together-"Big Sis", "Bye-bye Da-da", and "New Shoes".

Thank you for continuing to pray for our family.

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